Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Is there a Multicultural Poem in your Pocket?

Nikki Grimes is one of my all time favorite poets.  She wrote a book called, Pocketful of Poems.  The abstract illustrations leap off of the page.  Her masterfully laced poetic devices illuminate African American culture with both balance and brilliance.  A "Pocketful of Poems" is a viable mentor text for the National "Poem in Your Pocket Day" on April 26.  My class will have the choice of choosing their favorite poem to hide in their pocket or creating an original piece of work.  I've created one option to print and attached a link to another kid-friendly printable poetry pocket.  Students will trade pockets and write comments about the poem.  We are working on drawing conclusions and making inferences with text.  So, I created a printable where the student would draw their poem on one side of the pocket.  Other students would make an inference on the topic of the poem based on the illustration.  Then the pocket flips over, and the poem is revealed.  Check it out.Picture and Poem in your Pocket (LWills)
Here's another option on a fantastic blog called "Primary Practice".  Go the site.
Poetry Pocket Printable

1 comment:

primary practice said...

Love the multicultural theme for poetry here, and I am def checking out these books you used!

Thanks so much for the mention! So glad you commented on my blog because it led me back to yours :)
