Saturday, October 1, 2011

Hispanic Heritage Text Set - Alison Carver

Alison Carver and school volunteers created a text display with books depicting Hispanic culture.  Also, in honor of Hispanic Heritage month, Alison wrote her library message in Spanish.  This was an incredibly creative idea that has started a trend for our Woodbrook staff.

Is there an Estelita in your Classroom?

Ms. Wills' class read a book called the Rainbow Tulip.  It's a heartwarming story about a young girl  who is called Estelita at home and Stella at school.  I was truly enlightened by my students' discussion.  Paula said, "Estelita is pretty like me." Kevin, said, "I speak Spanish at home, and English at school just like Estelita."  I used this read aloud as an introduction to the text to self comprehension strategy.  To make the book more fun, we ate lime icecream just like Estelita did with her mother.  Check out the author's website and book reviews.

Friday, September 30, 2011

October Word of the Month (Diversity)

October is Diversity Awareness month.  The October word of the month is diversity.  We are defining diversity as the quality of being made of many different elements, forms, kinds, or individuals.  We are focusing on cultural diversity however students will explore other aspects of the enviornment that could be classified as diverse.  For example, our Woodbrook garden is made up of different kinds of plant forms that grow cohesively.  Students will be able to make scientific observations in learning enviornments such as this.  The displayed graphic organizer will be posted on classroom word walls.  A selected student may draw a picture to further enhance their knowledge.

Hispanic American Interactive Bulletin Board