Friday, March 2, 2012

Black History Museum

Cale currently has LIFE SIZE pictures of important figures in African American history.  An extensive display like this makes such a strong statement about what the school values.  Karen Garland, Cale' s Diversity Resource Teacher, created a school wide sign up sheet.  Teachers allowed their students to walk through the building and write about what they learned through the use of graphic organizers.  Teachers chose an individual from their grade level SOLs or a minority figure that they were drawn to.

Cale teachers please leave a comment describing your students' response to this activity.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson

Mrs. Jasper's Class discuss and explore this multicultural text.  Check out the student comments.

Writing as a Cultural Liason

"The root word of the word authority is author."
Jane Hansen (Director of the Central Virginia Writing Project)
Maggie Morris (Diversity Resource Teacher Crozet)

Planning Writing through the Culturally Responsive Teaching Lens
Ten Questions to Ponder

1. What are my students' strengths? Are they bilingual - That's a strength
2. Did my students have a "choice" in the assignment?
3. What supports do I need to put in place to set my student up for success?
4. Have I provided or shared reading materials that reflect the cultural experience and interests of my students?
5. Do my students need specific checklist to monitor their writing progress?
6. Have a I created a safe community for my students to share their writing?
7. When writing nonfiction pieces of writing, am I allowing the necessary time for students to become "experts" ?
8. What strategies can I use to motivate and stimulate writing?
9. When you examine your students' work, "What does the study show that the writer does not yet know?" (Maggie Morris and Jane Hansen)
10. Can students use their own language as a jump start? (Art, Music, and/ or writing in their native language?

Monday, February 27, 2012

"Where I'm From"

I am currently working on a school wide bulletin board with our student names connected to their parents' native country.  Classes will be working on the "Where I'm From" poem template during National Poetry month (April).  It's a work in progress, but I find that students are very intrigued by this working display.

MLK Student Leadership Awards

One student from each homeroom class at Woodbrook Elementary was selected for our MLK Leadership Awards.  Mrs. Molinaro and I hosted a breakfast and Award Ceremony to recognize students for the following traits:  Bravery, Courage, Empathy, Respect, Responsibility, and Assertion.  The event left me speechless.  Students were so proud of their accomplishments.  Each students had at least one parent or more supporting them in the audience.  I shared that the purpose of this event was to illuminate the best in our students while celebrating the legacy of one of America's most influential minority leaders.  Mrs. Molinaro read exerts of MLK's speech.  We will be having a school wide assembly next year where students will honor each other.