Saturday, October 1, 2011

Hispanic Heritage Text Set - Alison Carver

Alison Carver and school volunteers created a text display with books depicting Hispanic culture.  Also, in honor of Hispanic Heritage month, Alison wrote her library message in Spanish.  This was an incredibly creative idea that has started a trend for our Woodbrook staff.

1 comment:

lwills said...

Thank you Alison for all of your hard work! I also noticed that you always have a range of diverse book characters displayed throughout the library. I know that the students in my classroom come back with books that show characters from various cultures. For example, Daimond who is now a third grade student, brought back a book that was displayed on top of one your book shelves. The book was called, Rich by Nikki Grimes. The main character's name was Dyamond Daniel. She suggested that I read this book aloud to the class as well. If it had not been for your display, she might not of had this opportunity to make this huge connection with literacy. So, again thank you.