Thursday, November 17, 2011

Text-To-Self Connection to Multicultural Literature

In second grade, we are teaching making connections to our literacy groups. During independent reading time, Jahmaya was able to make some amazing text-to-self connections. "My brother comes to visit me, and I know he will come back soon... just like the character.." She explains. This is an exciting example of using multicultural text to provide a vehicle for minority students to make connections. Also, students who are not minorities identified with this same experience reflected through the main character of the book called, Brothers. Multicultural text is a positive teaching tool for all students because it illuminates how we share similiar experiences as human beings.


Jahmaya said...

He likes to do a lot of fun things, and he is a good brother like mine.

D. Johnson said...

Jahmya did a great job connecting the main character's experiences with his brother to her real life experiences with her older brother. This truly helped her understand how the character in the story feels when his older brother comes for a visit.