Monday, February 27, 2012

MLK Student Leadership Awards

One student from each homeroom class at Woodbrook Elementary was selected for our MLK Leadership Awards.  Mrs. Molinaro and I hosted a breakfast and Award Ceremony to recognize students for the following traits:  Bravery, Courage, Empathy, Respect, Responsibility, and Assertion.  The event left me speechless.  Students were so proud of their accomplishments.  Each students had at least one parent or more supporting them in the audience.  I shared that the purpose of this event was to illuminate the best in our students while celebrating the legacy of one of America's most influential minority leaders.  Mrs. Molinaro read exerts of MLK's speech.  We will be having a school wide assembly next year where students will honor each other.


Graham said...

I felt pretty good to get a special certificate. At the ceremony I learned that if you make good choices that you will be rewarded. I learned that as a leader people are watching you even if you don't realize it. The teacher who nominated me said that I had a positive spirit.

bekaboo5 said...

This was truly an amazing award for students who really deserved it:)